Limited Edition Ouya Unboxing [Kickstarter Project]

Another article featuring yet another Kickstarter project that I have backed. This time I'm talking about the Ouya, the $99 Android game system! So check out what's in the box in my brief unboxing video bellow and perhaps even order one.

So some initial thoughts on the Ouya: 

The Ouya console is very nice looking and feels sturdy. It has the necessary specs, a Tegra 3 processor, 8 GB of storage, wifi, bluetooth, ethernet, micro usb, and hdmi. The software however doesn't seem caught up to the quality of the console quite yet. There aren't that many apps/games on Ouya yet, and installing XBMC, MX Player, or other video playback apps is a bit of a pain. The other thing is it doesn't seem to have hardware acceleration working correctly. They should work to have a working video playback software installed on the device from the get go. That way the device can be used as almost a Google TV box. I have high hopes though that as developers (XBMC's team is working on a great Ouya compatible version) and the Ouya team get more time to work on the device that great things will happen.

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