SeriesGuide - Android App Of The Week [Week-4]
Today's App is for those of you that follow a bunch of different TV shows and need a way to not only keep track of what episodes you have watched from what shows but also to keep track of when the newest episode will air next. SeriesGuide is the app that comes in for the assist. The app connects to the internet to add shows to your following list. From there it will be able to keep track of every episode you have watched and when the next episode will air. It keeps track of it in Pacific Standard time so if you live in a different time zone you will have to go into the settings and adjust the time it will display.
With the paid app of SeriesGuide known as SeriesGuide X you have more widget options for your home screen and it gives the ability to have notification on your phone for when a new episode is about to air.
So if you get tired of checking online through imdb or some other place to see if the next episode of "How I Met Your Mother" airs in one week or in three because they're taking a break on new episode, this app is for you. On a single page you can check the showtimes all at once of your series that you follow. Check out the links bellow and give the app a go!