Sensorly - Android App Of The Week [Week-9]
Sensorly is a user generated carrier coverage mapping app. Users collect data to provide Sensorly with coverage for different connection types (2g/3g/4g/lte/wimax/hspa+/etc) and even wifi! The app is available for iPhone's too, so iOS users can help provide information too! I started using this app recently to search for T-Mobile's newly set up LTE network in my area (Southern California) and help provide coverage details of where T-Mobile's new LTE is. The app uses GPS to be able to accurately record where you take your trips and provide the information. You can manually record data or you can have it do it passively, which will take more battery.
The more people that contribute the better the maps become. They aren't going to be the slightly fake maps that carriers post to make themselves look better than they are. If there's a lot of data entries you can have really precise coverage information. That information is extremely helpful for deciding which nettwork is right for you! The other thing that the app can do is speed tests.
The above screenshot is a speedtest I took on T-Mobile in my area which was just recently deployed. Not too shabby speeds. Can't wait for these speeds to be everywhere as LTE is deployed in more locations. If you're on T-Mobile or any carrier, help out and join the community to create more accurate user generated carrier coverage maps!