Flickr - Android App Of The Week [Week-10]

Flickr has recently released some pretty hefty changes to their services. Something that no other image hosting service has done. They are allowing you to upload 1 terabytes of images to the cloud. While other services measure in gigabytes, they're measuring in terabytes. We're talking about being able to store over 200,000 3 MB images. They use to offer the ability for you to go back to view the most recent 200 images and to upload 300 MB worth of images each month. Now you can go back and view ALL your photos, and upload as much as you want so long as you stay within the 1 terabyte. You could embed images into blogs and you don't have to worry about bandwidth issues. Flickr is where I have been storing all my blog images for this blog. Best of all, it's been free for me.

The UI update that the flickr app got makes it in line with the looks of a modern android app. Featuring a slide out navigation drawer and other little attentions to detail, the attention to detail is a welcome addition to the flickr world. The website even got a makeover too! 


I highly do recommend using flickr for image storing needs as it's a very effective way to store all those personal memories and it comes with the added bonus of being able to host the images to share via blogs and websites. Flickr has really done a great job with their changes and I expect for them to be competitive again. Download the app and enjoy a terabyte of storage for all your pics!

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